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The difference between rotational molding and blow molding processes

Both rotational molding and blow molding can produce hollow products, but the blow-molded hollow products or tube blanks are blown into tube films without molds by using gas pressure to blow up the hot blanks closed in the mold. It is more commonly used in the manufacture of some packaging containers or tubular films. Among them, polyethylene is generally used as the hollow blow molding material.
The rotational molding (rotational molding) method is a method similar to rotational casting, but the material they use is not liquid but sintered dry powder. The production process is also very simple. The dry powder is loaded into the mold, and then it is rotated around two mutually perpendicular axes. After being heated, it will be evenly melted on the inner wall of the mold. After cooling, the hollow product can be taken out. In addition to polyethylene, the plastics used in it also include polyamide and cellulose plastics.
Blow molding will have a head left by pulling out the blowpipe during production, and rotation molding will also leave a lot of burrs if it is not cut.